Tuesday 27 December 2011

Performance Monitor Implementation

Performance Monitor Implementation

Peoplesoft have a delivered tool called performance monitor using which we can monitor performance of different Peoplesoft Environment. The setup needs a Monitoring system and a monitored system. In my example I am assuming PMN is the monitoring system and PMN1 is the env which needs to be monitored.

Monitoring System
1. Login PMN using the id say PSADM and navigate to User security. Add the role PeopleTools Perfmon Client to PSADM user. (the user used to configure the Perf Monitor needs this role)
2. Select PeopleTools, Performance Monitor, Administration, Global Administration.
3. On the Global Administration page, enter the appropriate value in the PPMI URL edit box.
4. Specify the PPMI user ID and password (PSADM)
5. Click Save.
6. Click Ping Test to ensure that the URL that you entered is valid and the URL is available.
7. On the Appserver side enable the Perf Collator option (process will be PSPPMSRV). Make the Min Instance and Max Instance equal as this process is not Tuxedo does not handle load balancing between PSPPMSRVs
8. Enter the gateway value as and
http:// PMNwebserver:port//PSIGW/PeopleSoftListeningConnector.
9. Schedule the following three AEs (optional, but schedule these in order to avoid data issues) from Peopletools->performance monitor->administration.
Maintain the current PMU table (the PSPM_REAPER program).-every 15 mins
Archive or delete historical performance data (the PSPM_ARCHIVE program).-daily
Manage the lookup tables in the Performance Monitor interface (the PSPM_LOOKUP program). Monday to Friday daily
10. System defaults set to the following (PeopleTools, Performance Monitor, Administration, System defaults)
Archive mode-Delete after 2 days (example)-Rest is set to default

Monitored System

Do the configurations in all systems which needs to be monitored

1. Select PeopleTools, Performance Monitor, Administration, Specify Monitor.
2. On the Specify Monitor page, enter the appropriate value in the Monitor URL edit box.
3. Click Ping Test to ensure that you entered a valid URL and that the URL is available.
4. Click Save and Ping PPM to save the URL into the URL catalog, and to ensure that the associated agents are registered and able to share data with PPMI URL.
5. Change the parameter EnablePPM to 1 in Appserver and Process scheduler configuration files and reboot the servers

Monitoring the targets.
Go to Peopletools, Performance monitor, System monitor, system performance
Select the DB to monitor
Alternatively go to Peopletools, Performance monitor, System monitor and select the target DB to monitor. There are separate menus for process scheduler, Appserver and webserver here.

Issues and troubleshooting
Warning Stale Agent Data Detected

This is a normal warning which comes in Perf Monitor, and if you have this issue following are the steps that you can take.

Scenario 1
Reason for all the agents showed stale was due to the tables had exceeded the delivered default maximum row settings on the Global administration page. To access this page,navigate to PeopleTools > Performance Monitor > Administration > Global Administration, within the "Collator Row Limit" section, either increase the value of "Maximum Rows" or set it to 0, where 0 = unlimited.

What is Collator Row Limit?
Limits the amount of data that can be inserted into the PeopleSoft Performance Monitor tables. Collators (PSPPMSRVs) periodically count the number of rows in each of the performance tables. If the total count of rows in PSPMTRANSHIST, PSPMTRANSCURR, and PSPMEVENTHIST is higher than this value, the PSPPMSRV does not insert any more rows into these tables until the number of rows deleted (by the archive program and/or reaper program and/or manual intervention) brings the row count below this limit. If you set this value to 0, the PSPPMSRVs do not check for a row limit.

Delete the performance history for the database/system from which you want to remove the message: run the perfmonpurgeall.dms Data Mover script. This enables you to purge all PeopleSoft Performance Monitor tables in the monitoring database. This should be run in monitoring DB (PMN). This scripts deletes all the performance data. You should shut down the monitoring system before doing this

Another scenario that would cause the "Stale Agent Data Detected" is when no data is being inserted into these tables, even though all the Performance Monitor settings appear to be correctly configured. PSPMTRANSCURR; PSPMTRANSHIST; PSPMTRANSARCH;SPMTRANSHISTCL; PSPMEVENTHIST; PSPMEVENTARCH; PSPMEVENTHISTCL. In this case, the problem is due to the Agent Filters set to "01-Standby". 1. Go to PeopleTools > Performance Monitor > Administration > Agent Filters page. 2. Select 04-Standard from the Reset All Filters drop-down. 3. Click Apply, then Save and Notify Agents (this will require the IB gateway setup). The agents will be active in a few minutes (about 5 minutes). In PT8.45, do make sure that Agent Filter Level field in the System Defaults page (PeopleTools >Performance Monitor >Administration) is set to "04-Standard" instead of default value of "01-Standby".

The Agents and PPMI Client were registered successfully as seen in both monitored and monitoring Application Server logs. The agent buffer size on the System definition page is correct. However, in the diagnostic URL, the Show Clients page shows these columns (Item Processed, Estimated Bytes Processed, Max Size, Running Avg Size, and Limit) with value of zero, which shouldn't be the case. This means that no data is being inserted into the Performance tables (PSPMTRANSCURR, PSPMTRANSHIST and PSPMEVENTHIST) despite the fact that the PSPPMSRV process (Performance Collator) is up running. In this case, the issue is due to the "PPM Monitor Buffer Size" on the Web Profile configuration page. It should be set to 51,200 KB (50 MB) rather than 0. This means no buffer was available to be used by the monitor servlet for the incoming performance data. For PT8.45 and higher: If the "PPM Monitor Buffer Size" is grayed out, then the "Enable PPM Agent" is most likely not selected. In this case, check this option to enable the "PPM Monitor Buffer Size" field, then type in 51,200 and uncheck the "Enable PPM Agent" ONLY if you decide to disable the web server agent to be started on a monitored web server. For PT8.44, the "PPMMonitorBufferSize" needs to be added into the Custom Properties tab of the Web Profile Configuration if it's not already there.

1 comment:

  1. Great PPM document, if you have updated for PeopleTools 8.54 please update.

