Thursday 22 December 2011

PS Report posting issues

This is a quite frequent issue with reports remaining in posting status , or going to not posted state. Even thopugh the reports gets posted sometimes when we open the same it will prompt for userid/pwd or will show us a blank page.

When a process runs from process scheduler the output files, trace files and other related files gets generated in /appserv/prcs/PS_CFG_HOME/domain/log_output direcotry. When the program is completed these files gets transferred to psreports directory which you specified while creating the PIA.

Points to check when we have issues with posting
1. Check the disk space in the machinewhere psreports dirctory resides.
2. Make sure the report node is configured correctly. Peopletools->process scheduler->report nodes. For HTTP check the URL format (http://webserver:port/psreports/),OS,Transfer protocol,URL Host,URL Port and URL resource (SchedulerTransfer/). For FTP check Home Directory(psreports path),URL,OS,FYP Address (machine where psreports is created) and FTPID,pwd (username/pwd to access the machine where psreports is created)
3. Make sure that one working report node is assigned to the process scheduler. Peopletools->process scheduler->servers, select the server and make sure that report node details are filled in distribution tab.
4. Make sure the id by which you are booting the process scheduler have Report Dist Admin role assigned.
5. Make sure that the default local node have an authentication option of password
(Peopletools->Integration Broker->Integration setup->nodes).
6. Check the psreports directory in Web Profile is correct. Goto Peopletools->webprofile->webprofile configuration and select the WEB profile you are using. Check the value of "Report Repository Path:"- This normally makes an issue when you have a cloned DB.
7. Sometimes the Distribution server process in process scheduler gets Hung. Restart the scheduler in such cases.
8. Check webserver configuration file and make sure that the path is correct in this file
9. Make sure the owner and group have the write permission to write on psreports directory
10. Your local message node should be a trusted node. Peopletools->security->Security Objects->Single Sign on. Make sure you default local nod is there
11. Be consistent with you domain names.

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